How a Small Change in Your Morning Routine Can Skyrocket Productivity

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The Science Behind Morning Productivity:

There’s a heap of science telling us that our mornings set the productivity tempo for our day. Those precious AM hours? They’re golden for cognitive performance according to circadian rhythm research.

Success Stories: Ever heard of those CEOs who wake up at the crack of dawn? There’s a reason. They harness the calm of the morning to strategize and plan, unleashing a powerhouse of productivity before most of us hit snooze.

Assessing Your Current Routine

Identifying Inefficiencies: As a seasoned number-cruncher, I can spot an inefficiency a mile away. Take a hard look at your morning – is it setting you up for success or holding you back?

Setting the Right Tone for the Day: The morning mood is contagious. Start your day on a positive note, and you’ll likely carry that energy through to your business dealings. It can be a game-changer.

Key Elements of a Productive Morning Routine

Physical Exercise: A morning walk did wonders for my clarity of thought. It’s like a double espresso for your brain, kickstarting productivity from the get-go.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Just ten minutes of morning meditation is another suggestion from the experts. It’s a sanctuary of peace before the storm of emails and calls, honing your focus like a laser.

Nutritional Start: A nutritious breakfast is fuel for both the body and the brain. Swap pastries for protein and never look back. It’s sustained energy that keeps the productivity engine running smoothly.

Tailoring Your Routine for Maximum Productivity

Customizing to Your Business Needs: Your business is unique, and so should be your morning routine. Align your AM activities to your business goals, and you’ll feel the productivity pulse in every part of your workday.

Incorporating Learning and Development: I start each day with a podcast or industry news. It’s a small investment with a big payoff, keeping me informed and ready to tackle the business world head-on.

Implementing the Change

Gradual Adjustments: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a morning routine. Start small—maybe wake up 15 minutes earlier—and gradually add new habits.

Tip: If you struggle, read “Atomic Habit by James Clear, it’s a great book and can help reset your habits.

Tracking Progress: Keep a log or use an app to monitor how these changes boost your productivity. The proof will be right there in black and white.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Time Management: We’ve all got the same 24 hours. It’s not about finding time; it’s about making time. Prioritize your morning routine like you would a client meeting.

Consistency and Discipline: The secret ingredient to a productive morning is consistency. Discipline might sound stern, but it’s the power word that turns good intentions into great results.

Your Morning Productivity Checklist:


      • Wake up with intention, not by accident.

      • Get moving, get the blood flowing.

      • Take a moment of calm to centre your thoughts.

      • Fuel up with a breakfast that means business.

      • Educate yourself; a little learning goes a long way.

    Here’s to brighter mornings and even brighter business outcomes.

    Author: Janelle Bartlett

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