Your FREE meeting will be with Chartered Accountant Janelle Bartlett to learn how to start a business the right way.
Janelle will cover 24 items every business owner needs to know.
Bring your questions, we will also answer them.
Your FREE meeting will be with Chartered Accountant Janelle Bartlett to learn how to start a business the right way.
Janelle will cover 24 items every business owner needs to know.
Bring your questions, we will also answer them.
13 Lessons and over 2 hours of content to get you underway.
Partner Janelle Bartlett has helped hundreds of startup businesses. We find that people who attend this meeting are well placed, don’t make common and costly start up mistakes and are more likely to succeed.
Janelle has found that spending one hour with a new business at the beginning saves many hours at a later time.
No business idea is too small, we’ve seen many ‘side gigs’ turn into full time jobs!
This meeting is 100% obligation FREE.
“If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin.”
—Ivan Turge
In person at our Capalaba office or
via Zoom from anywhere in Australia.
Never miss another deduction!