Find out if Gumtree Purchases are Tax Deductible

Most people are confused about whether purchases made from Gumtree and private sellers with no ABN are tax-deductible. Gumtree is an online classified advertisement and community website which was launched in 2000. This online website is owned by eBay (a popular online shopping website). This is a place where people can advertise their goods and […]

Feeling the Crunch? 3 Time-Management Tips for Running a Successful Business

In the face of a mounting workload, it can be difficult to preserve a healthy work-life balance and to find the time for the things you love. Good organisational habits – in all aspects of life – are a must for business-owners, as there is always so much that demands your attention. Success is not […]

Acting on Customer Feedback

Across all industries and businesses, one thing holds true: at the centre of it all is the consumer. The overused ‘happy customer, happy business’ phrase carries more weight than it is given because everything starts and ends with the customers. Businesses turn in their focus on customers and customer feedback as there is no better […]

4 Strong Benefits of Leadership Succession Planning

Change is permanent. Every organisation reaches a point where a change of personnel is necessary. With a global economy, comes the dynamics of shifting consumer needs, technological advancements and disruptions. There are also socioeconomic factors that were non-issues a few years ago. Tenures for personnel may not be as predictable now as they were a […]

The Secrets To A Healthy Office Environment

The focus on health is not only limited to one’s home. Most people will have spent the majority of their day in an office sitting. On average, most office personnel sit for at least 25 hours a week and these individuals do not move (stand, walk) as they should, and that in itself is a […]

5 Useful Business Management Tips

Many of my clients have set themselves the same Financial New Year’s Resolution – to make this year more prosperous than the last – and certainly that’s a good one! However, I like to think that improving your business is as much about exploring new opportunities as it is repeating the time-tested strategies ‘that work.’ […]